Pattie Altobelli Barbato- Petite United America 2012/2013

Tuesday, May 15, 2012
The Philadelphia Race for the Cure
The Philadelphia Race for the Cure took place on Sunday, May 13th, in the heart of downtown Philadelphia. There was a tremendous turnout, although official numbers have yet to be released, it is estimated that there were approximatelt 50,000 participants.
This was the first race in several years that I attended soley as a participant and not in an official capacity as a volunteer or committee member. I was joined by Kim Wright, my Komen Maryland Survivor Chair, and together we watched the set-up and workings of this event. We searched for ideas to add and improve our own race being held in Hunt Valley, MD.
Some may say I am partial since I have served on a committee for the Maryland Affiliate for several years. Putting that fact aside, I did walk away from this race with a new found appreciation for the support my committee provides for survivors and their families on Race Day. Makeovers, face painting, portraits, breakfast, live music, and give aways are only a small part of what makes the Maryland Survivor Tent the best I have seen so far!
It was my honor and privelage to support this race as a representative of the Maryland Affiliate and as Mrs. Maryland United America. I anxiously await the Komen Maryland Race for the Cure in October.